Godspeed at God’s Speed.
A term used to bid joy and goodluck to a loved one on travels or an expression of prosperity and success on an endeavor, but perhaps a misleading remark, given the light-hearted context it’s bid.
What if Godspeed isn’t about speed at all! The connotation of the word “speed” entices feelings of brevity, quickness, an expeditious pace to success. But did you ever think about how — going slow — is a speed as well? A reduced speed.
“The bigger the ambition, the slower you need to go” - Gary Vaynerchuk
I stumbled upon this quote the other day and realized how this rang true as the bigger ambitions tend to be all the more complex; requiring meticulous planning, might, character building, adjustments and determination. Unfortunately, brevity isn’t of essence like society led us to believe. It can cause undue err and missed foresight.
Godspeed at God’s speed.
Psalm 90.4: "A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.”
It’s folly of mankind, to believe we have any control over the dimension of time because the Bible is frank, God is the author of time. Many die without coming to this realization, struggle striving in their own strength and ultimately delimit growth. In doing so, we run outside the Will of God further, presuming control. By the laws of physics, speed is distance travelled overtime. Distance is how far something’s moved based on time elapsed and time is dependent on how far you desire to go based on pace. Beloved, how far do you want to go?
- Speed = Distance / Time
- Distance = Speed x Time
- Time = Distance / Speed
Run the Race Together
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together!
— African Proverb
God wants to coach you as you run the race of life. Do you trust God’s directions, especially when tactics are unfamiliar and not your habitual methods? What is the pace He’s implementing in your life right now? What are the victories He’s highlighting but you’re discounting in this season, the recidivism which prolongs time yet stifles distance, the areas He’s shouting “you need a new strategy!” ? Lack of self and spiritual awareness can make the race painstakingly slow for us. Childlike faith’s pivotal stratagem and thankfully, our Father is patient. Let the striving cease (Psalm 46:10) and surrender to God’s speed, Beloved!
Psalms 32.8–9: I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!